Living in the Past...

"Welcome, dear students! Today's history lesson takes place outside our little school, because today we will learn the history of the place we come from - Equestria, the Land of Magic and Friendship," said Pearl Charm, a mare with fur white as a pearl and shining blue eyes, leading her young students to a meadow shaded by trees in front of their small school. The students were excited at the thought of spending more time outdoors rather than in a boring classroom. They settled comfortably, and the teacher took out a very old book with a brown cover, adorned with a golden pony head with noble gem-eyes.
"This, dear students, is 'The Elements of Harmony' - a book that tells the history of our people, who appeared once upon a time on this unknown land. Frightened and lost, we feared the humans who helped us survive those first months. We lived in the wilderness for almost 40 years. Your parents had to fight wild animals and raise you. I even remember when I had to keep a repeating rifle with me during lessons. But let's focus on this book of our history now, shall we?"
Pearl Charm used her horn to lift the book above the students with a gentle levitation spell so everyone could see the words and (mainly) the pictures. Children are visual learners, after all; it's easier for them to remember pictures than "cold words."
"Once upon a time in the magical lands of Equestria, there were two regal sisters who ruled together and created harmony for all the land. To do this, the eldest used her powers to raise the sun at dawn; the younger brought out the moon to begin the night. Thus, the two sisters maintained balance for their kingdom and their subjects, all the different types of ponies (...)"
In glory and scars of her...
Pearl Charm read from the book and answered the students' questions as best as her knowledge and wisdom, passed down by former teachers, allowed. Everything was sunny until someone asked when they could see Princess Twilight Sparkle, Celestia, or Luna. Then the teacher's smile faded slightly, and she closed the book, placing her front hooves on it.
"That's a great question, one that we all want to find the answer to, children. We had to flee Equestria when the Terrible Storm King arrived, desiring to conquer the world. His armies were like a black plague that came with storms and lightning. Our village survived thanks to the bravery of two unicorns who used an interdimensional portal created by Sunset Shimmer to move to a new world. That's roughly how the story went..."

The attack on Coltchester began with a single airship among storm clouds that flew over our village. The ponies were very scared, and the pegasi didn't dare to approach the black clouds. Within minutes, the invasion began - Storm King's soldiers landed on the ground with the airships, while some fell to the hard ground. Two unicorns, Emerald Night and Snowy Gem, led the fragile defense of Coltchester before the ponies started hiding in the most magically fortified place - the Coltchester Library, where the mayor had his office, and Sunset Shimmer conducted her research on interdimensional teleportation.
"We need to teleport the ponies to a safe place, Night! I don't know how long our magic barrier will hold," said a terrified Snowy Gem, strengthening the barrier with her magic. She continuously drank mana potions, which would affect her quickly, as she felt in her stomach.
"I don't like it, but I think our only chance for rescue is to use Sunset Shimmer's interdimensional teleport located underground. I can't do it alone; it requires a lot of power to activate the portal and transport the entire village."
"Ugh... before I faint from being oversaturated with magic fluid, I can cast only one spell. We'll do it together, won't we, ponies?"
Snowy Gem said this weakly, barely standing on her hooves. She had a high chance of vomiting a large amount of magical fluid, from which her body drew magical essence to cast spells with her horn. Emerald Night gathered willing unicorns and went to the basement, where there were only two things: stone walls and a powerful magic glyph created in secret by Sunset Shimmer.

"Sunset Shimmer revealed to me how to cast the interdimensional teleportation spell because I don't have that kind of power myself. But together, we have enough power. Repeat after me, directing your horns toward the center."
Emerald Night and a group of five unicorns cast the interdimensional teleportation spell on the first try, just as the magic shield protecting the library of their dear town broke. They were teleported... everything went silent for many long minutes before the first ponies stepped outside, noticing they were in a completely different place. They were not in Equestria.
Looking to the Future, in a New Home
Coltchester was in ruins, except for the library, which became their new town square. Currently, a small town extends from that library, where mainly ponies live. Everyone is invited to visit or move to Coltchester, but the Japulians allow the ponies to have their own living space. The initial encounters were very awkward, and the ponies were in shock after the attack on their village. This scar will stay with them for many generations until it is recorded in the history books.
The future is painted in beautiful colors, even if those colors represent a journey to find a way of life in a new dimension that is not as friendly as Equestria... and maybe that's for the best, as they will be ready to defend their home and their new nation.