The air is cold... So cold...
As each step is taken by an individual feels like it would shatter the floor...
This is Harbor Kōwan C11, the area in which all foreign, and domestic affairs are conducted in the Organization.
The biggest monument that all eyes can see is the AUGEN, a 500 meters tall black pyramid. The black pyramid has an inverted pyramid leading off of it that acts as a reservoir for the base's water and supplies needs. Towards the top of this pyramid is the AUGEN Commander's Office, which has a Tree of Life diagram as well as an image of atomic trails from inside a bubble chamber. There are 18 reinforced windows within the superstructure that allow the AUGEN to be bathed in natural light. The surrounding area has a number of train and car-train services that run into it, taking those onboard directly to other important sites within the Organization. The central shaft leading down into Terminal Dogma has a spiraling elevator that opens up onto hexagonal-shaped doors, while the other shafts located about the central shaft have automated pathways that run across their expanses at increments of 10 floors.
The Terminal Dogma is the deepest level of the AUGEN located 2008 meters below the sea level. The Terminal Dogma is also the busiest level, with tens of thousands of staff running across halls, rooms, and other levels.
Within the Terminal Dogma lies a room in the Northeast area, the Dogmatik, a room only accessible to those with the highest level of clearance and foreign guests.
The room is filled with black and red lighting, creating an eerie feeling for any who enters it for the first time. A roundtable is situated in the middle of the room.
Today, the upper half of the table is taken up by the Representative of The Shinkei Project, Minoru Saitō, and his entourage.
"When are they coming, Representative?" asked one of his goons.
"Be patient, Kabuto, they will be here any minute now, they are more efficient than the Dragonican trying to set up an actual uprising" Minoru jokingly said.
As soon as they composed themselves, the sounds of footsteps can be heard and a soldier entered the room. "Mr. Representative, they are here. Shall I let them in?"
Minoru gave a light nod before sipping his cup of tea and fixing his tie. "Alright boys, don't make a fool out of yourself and me, got it?"