_BOSS Operations Action Report: _
Location: over the Phainai sea
Time: 10:39 PM
Sect: Skimtari
In the deep skies above the Phainai sea flies one of the remaining Stormcutters in the world, and one of the BOSS dragon hunter biplanes trails it from behind, staying just beneath the clouds and preparing to strike at the unsuspecting Stormcutter.
So when the the clouds looked its darkest they strike, sending 5 harpoons straight into the air above them, 3/5 hitting the dragon, 2 in the body of the dragon and one in the wing. The dragon broke one harpoon lodged in their chest but the plane breaks through the cloud wall and fly above it.
Once the biplane was safely above the dragon, skimtari jumpers then attach to the connect harpoons and quickly jump on the dragon, then they quickly impale the dragon with shock spikes and within a few moments the dragon was subdued. the momentum of the dragon keeping it in the air and the biplane dragging it back to a BOSS research location for testing.