Queen's Travel: The Season of Indefinite Color
Travelling to this country took much longer, than expected, due to captain's mistake, as he landed to unclaimed territories. Our Queen kindly laughed it out, just saying that we are taking first steps in opening the world, and these mistakes will help us grow better.

Clara Arturiano enjoyes her stay at uninhabitat island
Eventually, our Queen achieved her destination, and she was warmly welcomed, not by human, but by fey! Yes, these awesome creatures indeed live here, and they have shown a lot of their culture to us. Clara Arturiano managed to have a talk with local government, speaking about their connections and possible trading, and after that, our Queen visited local park, filled with magic.

I wonder how these creatures managed to build all this!
After a little break, our Queen will travel to the next point, the cold country Zÿlwhal. Don't worry, our fellow readers, our leader won't get cold, as she lives under the warm lights of gods (and she has warm clothes, of course). Also, we've got an information that Tepror wants our Queen to visit them, however, due to hardness of achieving this country, it could be impossible. Why "could be"? Simply because of the Pythian Union policy, all countries of this Union ought to be connected, with air, water, or ground. This idea was introduced by Amanda Martins, PU president from Fillionia, and thanks to her idea, our ports in Bluebay will be rebuild, roads will be constructed, and the air travel will soon be available to everyone. So, probably our Queen will manage to visit Tepror, after all...

Current president of PU, Amanda Martins
We wish both of them good luck, as well as our fellow readers. Stay tuned for the news, and keep reading us, Fillionia First!