They were just most likely not Ardenaraian, that was a conclusion made by the exasperated elder, judging by the lack of outright hostility made by the fae. The traditional Ardenaraian greeting consisted of a blade re-aligning a friend's innards, suppose to say some level of paranoia isn't unwarranted in Eleutheria.
The cylindrical tub of ice-cream sat victoriously on the fae's claws, it had a strange flavor of both honey and a mild floral aftertaste, aside from the vanilla ingredient. Still having her eyes set at the delicacy, the elder spoke out to the Fae humored at the situation. "Taldua (Idiot), you just had recently experienced our very own brand of hospitality." Her gaze briefly darted to the other noblewoman, of which is struggling to even keep herself upright. "I am..... nevermind, It is better if you talk to her. "
Though, the noblewoman wasn't eager to chat with the Switterlind, instead limping outside disappointingly. Any attempts by the Switterlind to draw her attention was merely ignored, strange for a person that once had tried to kill it.
The aureal retinue of Odium had arrived on-scene after the brief, and strangely violent misunderstanding that reduced the confectionery to a garbage-heap. Three gilded brass constructs served as the force's mode of transportation, fashioned in the likeness of an avian forever locked in a down-stroke flight, it did float. One could swear that they were about to blow the entire place up, instead, they went into the noblewoman's assistance, seems like she is an important figure. Without any further delay, one of the vehicles was used to ferry her away to a location far-away from here.
"Wow, anyways, they're here." The elder spoke in a hushed voice.
One of the retainers approached their immediate vicinity, in his hands were a papyrus scroll, even crimin- undocumented visitors cannot escape Ardenaraian bureaucracy. "Fill out the form."
Its contents were each spelled out by the the retainer-that-was-more-of-an-inspector [Name, Age, Occupation, Address, Reason for Visit, Permits, Health Certification, up to even the most unimportant details like what is one's favorite color.] It took two full-minutes for him to finish his statement.