In one realm of the Sparkling Multiverse, Sparkalia was united into one Federation, and the denizens of Sparkalia took to the stars to explore and exploit. A gas-mining base on Ayio became a bustling "cloud city", a large complex that suspended itself in the gas giant's atmosphere with anti-gravity drives. With the boom of gas mining, the city prospered.
However, there was something dark lurking in the city. An infectious disease broke out in the city, and many died... only to return from the dead as shambling monsters with a drive to feast on the living.
The cloud city sent an emergency signal to the Federation Starfleet for help when the outbreak first happened. Many did not know at this time that the dead would return. They simply saw it as a deadly virus. However, a second signal was sent, this one more ominous, which prompts our main cast to investigate the scene...