[OOC: This Announcement is from Kytangia, NOT Kyldigard.]
Good morning, land-dwellers.
On behalf of the Enlightened Kingdom of Kytangia, we bring news of the passing of our beloved, esteemed royal Emperor Darel I as of one month prior to the current date, and the completion of the coronation and ascension of our dearly beloved Empress Roral II.
As much as it pains the royal family, Roral II has always been slightly more progressive than her fellow royals and has decided to decree that species outside of the Kytang population are now legally considered people rather than prey, and therefore as you are all now supposedly "people", those of you who are government higher-ups for the purpose of limited diplomacy and discussion may, only through our own legal channels, be granted permission to enter the country. However, any other unverified entrances will be met with immediate execution, as well as any disobediences of our laws or our Empress.
Our policy of oceanic ownership still applies, and any foreign government- or corporate-backed fishing vessels in our waters will be destroyed and the contents redistributed among our population.
Also please be aware that although you are now "people" and can engage in diplomatic channels with us, you still have no rights as the inferior beings you are. So please be aware that if the Empress is feeling hungry, you may not get your diplomatic representatives back if she is, in layman's terms, "having a bad day".
Please also be aware that any contact made with us that does not involve the bestowing of gifts to Her Majesty will end badly for you.
All Hail the Queen and the Serpent,
The Royal Advisory Council of Empress Roral II of the Enlightened Kingdom of Kytangia.
(P.S.: Just because our new Empress doesn't wish to devote the entirety of the government to cleansing the world of your species doesn't mean she doesn't still hate you. Be warned.)