Minister of Foreign Affairs Kang Na-Yeon arrived in Saenarae City with her aides on a private jet for an upcoming meeting with a foreign country. This meeting had a significant political significance, and the president asked her to strengthen cooperation with Japuile but to take care of Yulsan's national interests to the fullest.

Yulsan contacted Japuile diplomatically for consultation with a new diplomatic partner. After consultation between the two countries, it was decided that a meeting between the foreign ministers would take place, and an official invitation letter was sent to Royale Chancellor Mainard Larue.

Kang Na-Yeon waited inside the conference hall after moving to the hotel where the meeting would take place. The conference hall was properly decorated with luxurious decorations, but it was not over-decorated and kept neat. The hall's overall atmosphere was modern, and the table where the meeting would take place was equipped with tablets and microphones for each delegation to use.
And the room temperature was kept warm.

Saenerae Island is an island located not far north of the Yulsan mainland. The island has long been a territory of Yulsan, and the island is highly developed and functions as one of Yulsan's main trading ports today.

Saenarae City is the largest city on Saenarae island. With a population of about 2.5 million, major industries include tourism, service, and electronic engineering and manufacturing. Although Saenarae City is a highly industrialized city, the streets are clean and well-organized, and the air quality is excellent. This is because Yulsan replaced the internal combustion engine with room-temperature nuclear fusion power generation a long time ago.

When Japuile's delegation arrives in Saenarae City via transportation, such as an aircraft or ship, they will enter the airport or port, escorted by Yulsan Air Force fighter jets and Yulsan Navy destroyers. Since consultations have already been made in advance with the Air Force's air defense unit stationed on the island, unnecessary procedures have been omitted as much as possible.

Preparing for a Diplomatic Meeting

During the absence of the Grand Duke, who is currently on a trip to the country of Indefinite Color for the Fairy Parrot fashion show, all diplomatic and state documents are being signed by The Honourable Prime Lord Alard Reyrond. The signing of documents is done using a special pen, of which there are only three in the country - one for the Grand Duke, one for Alard Reyrond, and one additional pen kept in the royal treasury. Due to personal reasons, Alard Reyrond cannot leave the country, so he has decided to retrieve the spare pen, which will be used to sign the documents at the diplomatic meeting between Japuile and Yulsan.

"Royal Chancellor Mainard Larue, I entrust to your hands the third most important pen in the country, which authorizes all documents at the level of government approval. Choose a person from your office whom you can trust and hand over the pen to them for signing the document. This is for security reasons. Even though they may only make one signature, their safety is of utmost importance to the Grand Duchy of Japuile."

The Royal Chancellor took out a black, matte box secured with a magnetic lock. It could only be opened using sea currents. He placed it in his thick briefcase and went to prepare his team - diplomats of higher and lower ranks, as well as the one special person who would be tasked with carrying the laser pen.

Sometimes, the best option... is the strangest one.

"Will I have my first diplomatic mission? I'm so excited, Royal Chancellor! What will be my task?" said a happy Ruby Aurora, who secured a job in the Royal Affairs Cabinet for diplomatic preparations. She handled documentation and now she would get to know other countries! With her red ruby fur and emerald eyes, she wore clothes tailored to pony standards.

"Yes, the most important part of the diplomatic mission will be safeguarding this pen, as you will use it to sign the document. During the journey by ship, I will teach you how to use it," said the Royal Chancellor in a calm voice, smiling at the young soul in his office. They set sail to Yulsan, which was several days away by sea. Along the way, they made a stop at New Kalestyanov - their colony, where the box with the pen unlocked. There, the Royal Chancellor taught Ruby Aurora how to scan her unicorn signature with the pen and insert it into the state seal in his small processor. Later, all it took was to place the seal on the document and the laser would burn the signature onto it.

Before arriving in the city of Saenara, everyone began reading up on recent events in Yulsan to have something to discuss during the diplomatic summit. Ruby Aurora dedicated this time to prepare herself - taking a long bath, reading some news, and paying attention to the culture of the country where her first live diplomatic training would take place.

The delegation from the Grand Duchy of Japuile walked with a calm pace, smiling and waving to the crowd. The crowd was behind a police barrier, and Ruby Aurora caught everyone's attention, surprising and charming them with her adorable appearance. The unicorn and the rest of the delegation from the Grand Duchy departed to begin discussions with the other country.

Saenarae City, Republic of Yulsan

Before the arrival of the delegation, the police controlled the scene and access to unauthorized persons was restricted. Yulsan's public security is stable, but due to a recent terror attack incident by vampire remnants in another city, the perimeter for security was tight, and heavily armed military forces were in charge of the suburb defense.

When Japuile's delegation arrived in Saenarae City, officials, led by Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Park Seung-tae, welcomed the delegation. They expected that the delegation and its leader would be human. Actually, the majority of the delegation was human, but surprisingly, one of the members of the delegation was the unicorn.

Park Seung-tae was embarrassed by the unexpected situation, but since population and cultural differences between countries are natural factors, he calmed his mind and greeted Ruby Aurora.

"Nice to meet you. Welcome to Yulsan. I am Park Seung-tae, Yulsan's vice minister of foreign affairs. The minister of foreign affairs is waiting at the hotel where the meeting will take place. I will guide you.“

The delegation and Park Seung-tae used a pre-prepared vehicle and Japuile's vehicle to travel to the hotel. Police vehicles escorted the delegation's vehicle and traffic on the road was temporarily closed.

The hotel where the meeting will take place is located in the heart of Saenarae City. The lobby of the 120-story hotel was neatly cleaned, and the hotel staff in charge of the reception were getting ready to greet the delegation. The conference hall, where the meeting will take place, occupies the largest space on the first floor of the hotel. Before the meeting, the hotel was inspected by the police and public access to the conference hall was temporarily restricted.

Minister of Foreign Affiars Kang Na-Yeon waited for Japuile's delegation at the hotel's entrance. When the vehicles arrived and the delegation got out of the car, Kang Na-Yeon approached the delegation.

When she learned that one of the members of Japuile's delegation was a unicorn, Kang Na-yeon, like everyone else, was a little embarrassed. This was because she did not expect to face a non-human intelligent life.

Of course, there are many different countries and intellectual life forms in Sparkalia. And what race the other person is is not the main topic of the meeting. Whether the other person is human or not, there is no problem in this meeting if the delegation of Papuile is reasonable enough.

Kang Na-yeon reached out her hand to ask for a handshake and then pulled it back. Instead, she offered a greeting.

Kang Na-Yeon, Minister of Foreign Affairs
"Welcome. Mr. Royal Chancellor. Thank you for coming all the way here. It's nice to meet you. I'm Kang Na-Yeon, Yulsan's minister of foreign affairs. Then let's get inside the conference hall.“

Kang Na-Yeon led the way to the conference hall. Once Japuile's delegation enters the conference hall, they will be able to see a hologram of Yulsan and Japuile's flag floating on the ceiling of the conference hall. A huge table was set in the center of the conference hall, and each seat had a microphone, tablet, and water bottle in front of it for the conference participants.

When all the delegates came into the conference hall, Kang Na-Yeon turned on the microphone to announce the start of the meeting.

Kang Na-Yeon, Minister of Foreign Affairs
"Thank you to the delegation of Japuile for coming all the way here. Let me begin the meeting. I am Kang Na-Yeon, Yulsan's minister of foreign affairs. This meeting was held in close consultation between the two governments and marks the first step toward further bilateral relations."

"We look forward to consulting on ways to develop diplomatic relations between the two countries and finding issues that can help them cooperate with each other during this meeting. In addition, if a summit is held between the two countries in the near future, we expect consultations on the summit to take place."

The Star of the Delegation - Ruby Aurora!

"I must admit, I didn't expect such a media response. All the flashlights are on you, Ruby Aurora. How do you feel about being the unofficial star of our delegation?" asked the intrigued Royal Chancellor Mainard Larue, looking at the smiling Ruby sitting next to him.

"It's a completely new feeling for me! In the Grand Duchy, I never had this kind of attention like here. I alive, if I may say so, like pegasi!" exclaimed Keeper of Pen enthusiastically, holding a special pen in her suit pocket, close to her heart.

"That's great, but I have to warn you. You're now in the spotlight, and everyone will be eagerly judging your words and actions, so you have to be careful about what you say or do. Even unintentionally not offering someone...a hoof, can be seen in a negative light. Popularity, even if short-lived, is a crucial tool for diplomacy and shaping public opinion." The Royal Chancellor was teaching the unicorn about proper behavior, what to avoid, and so on during the journey.

Ruby Aurora had time to learn from her superior until they arrived at Saenarae City! Ruby was fascinated by the different architecture, although sometimes the light reflecting off those tall buildings was blinding. She noticed the initial surprise in Park Seung-tae's face regarding her race, but she decided to extend a metaphorical 'hand' and smiled.

"It's an honor to meet you and your country, Park Seung-tae. I may be a young diplomatic delegate, but I hope for cooperation between our nations," she said warmly to the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs.

A Grand Hotel with Grand Possibilities

The heart of business, a 120-story hotel with beautiful modern architecture made of glass, metal, and wood. Of course, all the attention was focused on Ruby Aurora, allowing the Japuile delegation to make final adjustments to their speeches and details.

The Royal Chancellor gently bowed when Kang Na-Yeon welcomed him. The Chancellor was dressed in a loose elegant strapless vest with aquatic motifs, a blue coat, and matching trousers. Ruby Aurora and her suit were in an autumn motif, a blend of orange and red colors.

"I would like to express my gratitude to the Yulsan delegation and Kang Na-Yeon for hosting us in your country, which seems like an oasis in the desert - like promise a bright future. The Grand Duchy of Japuile, known for its eco-friendly approach, wishes the best for our planet and Mother Nature. However, change must be made step by step. Here is the document that has been prepared," said the Royal Chancellor Mainard Larue solemnly, but slowly.

Kang Na-Yeon, Minister of Foreign Affairs
"That's right. The changes in relationships should be phased in. There is a saying in our country that "Make haste slowly". Gradual changes will contribute to building stronger relationships."

Kang Na-Yeon was handed a document written by the Japuile delegation and read it carefully.

Kang Na-Yeon, Minister of Foreign Affairs
"First of all, as far as the embassy exchange is concerned, we also agree on the need. Establishing embassies for each other in both countries will be a starting point for the development of bilateral relations. If we agree to guarantee the immunity and safety of each other's diplomats, the embassy exchange can proceed immediately."

"We also agree on the second proposal. If communication lines are established between the two governments, faster and smoother cooperation and dialogue will be possible.“

"As for the third proposal, I think we need to take a more cautious approach. We think positively about visa-free programs for students. As for tourists, however, we will need more in-depth discussions between working-level officials from both sides. Of course, we will also consider visa-free programs for tourists positively. But I can't give you a definite answer here."

"As for the fourth proposal, we agree. Negotiations for the establishment of the RRC will begin as soon as possible. In fact, one of the most efficient things that the RRC can do at Yulsan is to exchange language data with each other. If that happens, it will be easier for our translation software to translate the languages of both countries in real-time."

"Of course, the establishment of the RRC will be meaningful in an academic sense, in addition to simply translating languages. This will be a meaningful decision in cultural exchange between the two countries.“

Kang Na-Yeon turned on her tablet to find a file. After she made several hand gestures, documents and several holograms of diagrams were displayed in the center of the table.

Kang Na-Yeon, Minister of Foreign Affairs
"Since Japuile has proposed most of the necessary issues first, now there is only one more thing we would like to propose. It is a measure for expanding trade between the two countries. Of course, we do not think a free trade agreement should be made between the two countries right now. It will take enough time. What we would like to propose now is ways to expand trade between the two countries even more than now."

"There will be the products of Japuile that we need, and there will be our products that Japuile needs. Suppose both countries take steps to cut tariffs and simplify administrative procedures for companies that produce products that meet each other's needs. In that case, it will be the starting point for further facilitating exchanges between the two countries.“

Kang Na-Yeon looked straight at the Royal Chancellor.

Kang Na-Yeon, Minister of Foreign Affairs
"Well, now I'd like to hear your opinion on our proposal. Be honest with me."

Everyone would love for a smooth workday!

Ruby Aurora listens attentively to the conversations between her superior and Kang Na-Yeon, learning the delicate art of diplomacy. She can't wait for the traditional party after the political talks, known in Japuile as "Soirées Diplomatiques" (Diplomatic Evenings). She is curious about the culture and history of the Republic of Yulsan, and they have plenty of time before the evening when they will have to return to the port.

"The Grand Duchy of Japuile has loose import laws, but we take export laws more seriously to ensure the quality of our products, mainly seafaring ships. The import tax is 3%. In the import list, include sample photos of products and packaging from all sides. There's no need to photograph all crates or products, just one representative photo with a description. As for visa-free entry, it may initially be limited to students and eventually expanded to tourists."

Soirées Diplomatiques!

Minister of Foreign Affairs Kang Na-Yeon was surprised when the Japuile delegation organized a full-fledged party - but celebrations are an important part of the culture of the Grand Duchy of Japuile. Light drinks, dances, conversations, and entertainment fill the two rooms, ensuring that everyone has enough space for themselves. Kang Na-Yeon and Ruby Aurora chat on the balcony as the sun slowly sets, and the Japuile delegation will soon have to board the transoceanic ship.

"Who am I? I am a pony, a child of war refugees who came to the Grand Duchy of Japuile with a humanitarian mission. We didn't have time to mourn - the Grand Duchy of Japuile follows a social policy where to qualify for benefits, one must earn at least half of the national average, and state benefits top up the rest of the payment. Specifically, I am a unicorn, able to use magic from my horn." Ruby Aurora proudly told Kang Na-Yeon, she teleport herself from the left to the right side of balcony using the magic of her horn.

12 days later

Kang Na-Yeon, Minister of Foreign Affairs
"Interesting. You seem to know how to use magic freely. Magic seems to be a really interesting 'energy.' If we know how to make good use of it, it will definitely help. In fact, magic is almost taboo in our country. This is because vampires' weapons are magic. In the past, we had to be endangered because of vampires. We couldn't do anything while they killed men, women, and children. It was only after we built a weapon that could neutralize their magic that we were able to beat vampires."

During their conversation, Yulsan's delegation seemed to be enjoying the party. Ministry of Foreign Affairs officials drank wine and bit the cake. There was no atmosphere of dissatisfaction.

Kang Na-Yeon, Minister of Foreign Affairs
"We are delighted that this meeting resulted in positive results. I hope that your country's relationship with our country will continue to develop. We hope to hold a summit between the leaders of the two countries soon. If Grand Duke's schedule is okay with him, we would like to invite Grand Duke to the capital of our country to exchange more agendas."

Kang Na-Yeon took a sip of wine and went on again.

Kang Na-Yeon, Minister of Foreign Affairs
"Of course, we don't want Grand Duke's schedule to be disrupted, so you don't have to overdo it."

13 days later

All good things must come to an end...

Ruby Aurora and Royal Chancellor Mainard Larue had a great time at the Diplomatic Evenings - the Japuileans know how to have a good time when it comes to Diplomatic Evenings. Most of the Yulsan diplomatic team is already watered like good little flowers, waiting to grow - or in their case, to have a hangover the next day. As the Japuilean diplomats laugh, another delegation brought 'offerings' for God of Alcohol.

"Surely the Grand Duke will be open to meetings with your leader, Minister of Foreign Affairs Kang Na-Yeon. Unfortunately, it is time for us to return to our nation. Goodbye!" Smiled and content, the Royal Chancellor said, gesturing for Ruby Aurora to join them on the ship.

"Goodbye, Ms. Kang Na-Yeon! I hope we meet again." Ruby Aurora said with a smile and friendliness, then hurried to catch up with the rest of the delegation. She had just finished her tea, as she wanted to taste what tea in the Republic of Yulsan is like.

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