Week later in Bluebay Palace Clara Arturiano holds a summit, where she discuss some topics and answer questions of her people. Most interesting ones are mentioned here:
"Hello, miss Clara! Lately you were away from our country, and despite the fact that you were busy finding new allies for our country, we kinda felt left here, in Fillionia. I think that in cases like that, we might need an elected President, so they could help you with the government."
Eventually, some people showed their agreement with this person.
"Yeah, and what about the con... comstutition, or something? I heard that it's a good thing and we want to have it in our country!"
After some time, Clara nods and answers the question.
"Thank you for these questions. I can see that Fillionia wants elections and constitution, and I can't say no to your demands. I can't really say when, but we will surely write a Constitution, to protect your rights and make your lifes even better. As for the presidency, firstly I need people that would like to become one. If someone feels themselves good enough for this role, please, come to my Palace, so we could discuss your candidacy and program. After we find enough candidates, elections will take place."
Satisfied with the answer, people clap their hands and became quiet.
"Greetings, your Majesty! Since your coming our country have become much better and more powerful, then the days before. I would like to ask you: do you have plans for expansion of our country? We still have some place at the North and South of our country, and we can take it to become even more powerful!"
This time for a second Clara Arturiano made an unsatisfied look, but then she closed her eyes.
"I know that all of you want the best for our country, and, to be honest, this idea also was coming in my mind. The Gods, and even Saint Guardian didn't come to one conclusion, and as such, I can't say clearly if we will expand our borders. The one thing I can say for sure is that expansion through war is not acceptable. The countries of Axole and United Villages of Eisbutch, in case we will decide to expand our borders, should not see us as a threat to their countries. We are a peaceful and kindhearted nation, and if we are to expand our borders, we will make sure that no blood will be spilled."
Once again people clap their hands, though they feel like the answer was not clear. Perhaps, their Queen knows the best what is she doing.
"My apologies, my Queen, but could you clarify your intentions towards your list of ideas? What are you going to do?"
"Basically, when I was travelling to the wonderful countries of Japuile, The Season of Indefinite Color, Zÿlwhal and Tepror, I saw amazing sights, buildings, technologies and different people, that were living in a different cultures with different laws implemented. Clearly, I think that we, Fillionian, have something to learn from them. As such, I want to implement some reforms, invest in technologies, businesses and work on improvements of our laws, that currently are not the best. You will see what I am going to do, and everything that I am going to implement will be discussed with you. Thank you for your trust!"
Thus, summit was a great success, as people were glad to know that not only their Queen is going to work on their country, but also that she is going to implement democracy.
Camera-man went to finish recording the summit, but it seems like he forgot to remove the cap from the lens. As such, the only thing that got recorded was audio. Oops!