Text I: Automata, controversial as they were, have allowed an unprecedented enlistment rate in the MHL Army of the Royal Flare. As more and more of the lowborn enlist and apply for the Settler Programs, Clathermont Continues it's glorious expansion into it's Sun-given lands.
Pictured to the right, new Settlers leave for the Wild North on the newly built railway lines. One has but to wonder and dream of
a future where Clathermont will spread the Sun's immaculate light to the whole continent! Godspeed,then, brave settlers! Long Live Clathermont, and Long Live Her Enduring Majesty!
More on pg. 15
Text 2: Under sponsorship of her Everlasting Majesty, and under command of His Highness, the Count of Irons, Clathermont will begin it's first Antarctic expedition. A total of 7 Ships from the Navy, in addition to a small fleet of 6 ships donated by Her Highness, the Countess of Silk and Velvet will depart from Port Ambre on March 21st, with a destination of the landmass west of Molacia. There, the fleet provided by the Countess will abandon the armada, with the intention of building a re-supply port for the brave explorers. The rest of the ships will proceed south, further beyond than the Carnal Abyss. Their destination will be the exploration and possible settlement of the Islands in the Gelid Maze, south of the Stranger Seas. The purpose of the expedition is, to quote Her Highness herself: "Establishment of research stations, a possible penal colony, and to prove the radiance of the sun can reach the furthest confines of the earth"