The Silver Keep - Slyvorin, Great Karthia - Tyreis

Metro Map of Slyvorin, the capital of Tyreis
The Ervani River was glowing in silver under the moonlight. The nearby skyscrapers gave the illusion of stars with light and the nearby green belts and suburbs gave the scenery its final touch. But how can Slyvorin be perfect without its main and most iconic element, the Silver Keep ?
It had served as the Karthian seat of power since 1035 when Queen Sophia came to power after the death of King Alexander II, her husband.
The city was chosen for its water supply and elevated land, perfect for building a bastion fort.
The Silver Keep's dome; was also shining like a third moon. This 500-roomed building with its massive dome, made the near-lying Manor of the Parliament look minuscule.
Inside the Silver Keep, the place was bustling with activity and energy, which was the complete opposite of the streets outside, which were calm and scarcely had any people.
In the Main Discussion Room, there were four people seated. One was the Hand of the Realm, Riksmakt Adeline Dolimé. Sitting on her opposite side was the Minister of External Affairs, Rey Bésant. Sitting alongside her on her left was the Chairman of the Karthian Diplomatic Corps, David Bott, and on her right the Chairwoman of the National External Policy Committee, Margaery Wood.
The room was well-lit. The windows provided a view of the city skyline and the silver-coated celling added to its grandeur.
"Minister Rey, have you thought of it thoroughly ?" asked Adeline.
"Yes I have Madame Riksmakt. We have our preparations made. The transmissions have been sent to the Government of Kyldigard. We should be receiving their reply and delegation soon. The Non-aggression pact and the Friendship Treaty would be wise move for sure." Replied the Minister of External Affairs.
"Sure thing Madame. I assure you that the Foreign Affairs Department would do its best" added the Chairman of the Karthian Diplomatic Corps.
"We would have the Non-aggression pact and the treaty of friendship ready but it would also be wise to ask them if they wish to enter into a Trade Agreement too." Said Margaery Wood.
"Agreed. I believe everything has been discussed. [All members nod] Great, the meeting is over now. Minister, I think we could discuss the stuff with Lorzepk later, ok ?"
"Yes, madam. It is too late anyway."
"Good. Now let us depart." The Riksmakt replied affirmatively.
All the people seated in the room left, now it was as empty as the streets. But soon the streets and the Sliver Keep would be bustling when the delegation from Kyldigard arrived...