The Minister of Foreign Affairs Kang Na-Yeon is ready to greet delegations from the other country at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs building in Yul Gyeong, Yulsan's capital. This is a very important political event and will be a starting point for Yulsan to break away from isolation and speak out in the international community.
The president and government officials have decided that they no longer care about the legacy of the vampire. The tragedy caused by the vampires eventually ended in the vampire's ruin, and Yulsan grew greatly. It's time to get out of the shadows of the past and head for the light of the future.
The Crown Royal is a country located on the same continent as Yulsan, and at the same time, it is also a country that is very active in the international community. The Yulsan government believes that resetting ties with The Crown Royal and developing friendly relations between the two countries will determine an important direction for future foreign policy.
Kang Na-Yeon also agreed with other government officials. However, she considered that the diplomatic approach with other countries should be much more cautious. This is because the international community is basically like a jungle, and only the strong survive on the international stage.
Once Yulsan chooses to break the isolation, Yulsan benefits from this, and also has to pay a price. With the drumbeat of war getting louder, Yulsan has chosen to jump on the international stage. Of course, Kang Na-Yeon trusted Yulsan's military, but everything always has to have an alternative and a second-best solution.
The current government's foreign policy seemed to have poor safeguards. Kang Na-Yeon was concerned about this. Kang Na-Yeon was confident that she would have made a different choice if she were president.
When The Crown Royal's delegation approaches Yulsan by air or ship, they will be escorted into the waters by Yulsan's Air Force fighter jets or Navy destroyers. Since consultations with the Coast Guard and Capital Defense units have already ended, there will be no unnecessary security procedures.