Reconnaissance mission completed...successfully?
Roland Derocles, known in the Sons of the Forge program as Emerald Wind, was sent on a reconnaissance mission to uncharted territories where the navy and scientific fleet had discovered signs of life. The WAST (Wizardry and Anomaly Surveillance Team) reported that these lands were a rich source of magical energy, but someone was draining it recklessly, with no regard for the harm it caused to the local population, fauna, and flora. The regional command debated for a while on how to investigate this magical exploitation without disrupting the local culture and politics. Finally, they decided to send a reconnaissance mission, entrusted to the Sons of the Forge. Roland Derocles was chosen to lead the mission—Emerald Wind was known for his keen observational skills, quick reactions, and ability to move stealthily in armor. He was deployed to the coast of what the Grand Duchy of Japuile now calls "Sylvanie des Étoiles."
After landing as planned, Roland sent a radio signal using his multi-functional wrist device. This was the only part of the mission that went smoothly. About 15 minutes later, he stumbled upon a small village where the locals were using magic to boost crop growth, despite the soil being fertile. As he tried to move on, he was spotted by some local children who saw his armor and large figure. Roland froze, staring at the children who, after a moment, began screaming and ran back to the village. The scout bolted in the opposite direction, using his jet boots to hide in a sturdy tree. There, he awkwardly encountered a young elven couple sharing their first kiss. Realizing the situation was even more awkward than before, he decided to move on, using his thrusters to land "gracefully" on the ground.
"Great, Roland, this is really going to look fantastic in the report..." he muttered to himself as he tried to hide in the dense undergrowth. He needed to check if his weapon was ready for combat in case of an attack, unsure how the locals would react to any attempt at peaceful contact.
Meanwhile, news of his presence spread quickly through the area via messengers. The local elders decided to inform the Mad King Aeldron, hoping to avoid any unpleasant consequences for the population. Too many good elves had been lost for the land to accept more sons and daughters, but maybe the mysterious armor could help them in this dire situation? The Thorny Mage was growing stronger the more power he drew from the Sacred Tree.
Unfortunately, another thing that didn’t go according to plan for Roland was his encounter with the Mad King. Aeldron, informed by a royal courier on a magical deer, wasn’t interested in meeting the mysterious visitor, whom the elves perceived as a giant armored knight. With a swing of his staff made of black, magic-infused thorns, the king muttered some dark words, and thick thorns began wrapping around Roland at an alarming speed. As he lost feeling in his limbs, Roland managed to pull the trigger on his heavy machine gun just before the thorns enveloped his helmet. For a minute, the sounds of a dying man echoed, and then the thorns slowly released their grip, revealing the lifeless King Aeldron. Roland realized he had just killed the King of these lands.
A chill ran down his spine. He knew that either the locals would execute him for regicide, or he would face a military tribunal. Both options were terrifying. Before surrendering to his fate, he decided to take one last look at these beautiful lands—dense undergrowth, old and young trees, flowers, and animals fleeing as the thorns released him onto the ground. He heard the panic-stricken songs of birds... He closed his eyes, waiting for the inevitable punishment, but it never came. Instead, he heard the King’s entourage cheering and speaking to him in a joyful tone. They led him to an ancient druid-elf who cast a teleportation spell, transporting them in front of the Sacred Tree.
The Sacred Tree was enormous, its crown disappearing into the clouds, and powerful magical energy emanated from every leaf. Roland was pushed onto a throne in front of the tree, and a crown made from the Sacred Tree’s wood was placed on his helmet. The living magical energy pierced through the metal, giving him the ability to speak the language of the forest elves from Sylvanie des Étoiles, who considered themselves the cradle of all elves on the globe.