The sun has begun to set as a small group of rebels jumped the barbed fences set on the perimeter of the Skyljö dock.
All except two with wide backpacks full of explosives were equiped with bolt-action rifles in case of having to defend themselves from the dock guard.
They gathered under a tree.
"Düj jöpenölo' dö dÿ mäjc wenestr skypo, äjy jöpenölo' dö därhön skypo, jö alman?" said the head of the group
"Y'all will go to the most left ship, we will go to that ship, yes everyone?"
Everybody noded and the group of rebels split into two, both going on either end of the dock.
Even though the dock was almost empty, the 2 groups tried to not get spotted, they prefered stealth in these kinds of missions.
The left wing got to the ramp which lead up to the Agidäs class cruiser, one of the members took out an unusual device. This device, developed by the rebellion was used to coordinate people on short ranges. It got a lever, which when moved switches between 5 lights, which will then light up on the device of the other group. The left wing's leader turned the lever.
The right wing's deviced quitely beeped.
"Rawjÿ" said right wing's leader
The leader's of both wings noded at their colleagues. Its time.
The two pigeons with the wide backpacks threw their backpacks onto the ships at almost the same time, all rebels quickly turned around and started running away, not caring if they'd be seen.
A crewman stumbled upon one of the bags "Uh, wäb wiw därhö-" both ships were shooken by a large explosions, the few crewman in the bottom decks fell onto their backs before water began to rush into both ships' interiors.
The rebels escaped without notice as the dock workers were shocked to see 2 large cruisers start to tilt forward. They ran to help the crew.