SouprRacwn The Regelan civil war is an ongoing multi-sided conflict involving various state and non-state actors. It began as a breakdown of political control by the central government beginning with the 1604 Constitutional Crisis. Popular discontent with the administration, pro-democracy movements, and secessionist sentiments emerged. Government security crackdowns of protests led to underground rebel groups forming, which engaged in covert sabotage of government operations for five months; until the insurgency escalated to a full-blown civil war in 1605. As of 1613, over 8.6 million Regelans were internally displaced and more than 2 million fled the country as refugees. It is estimated that over 1.5 million are reported dead, while over 400,000 are reported missing. (Note: map pending)
SouprRacwn (1): The Danike rainforest in southeastern Regeliana, once a mere conservation area but now a subject of mass disappearances of combatants and civilians. (2): A skull propped up on a branch in the Kosunoki Gap, a stretch of rainforest and mountains in the Matsuri peninsula lacking substantial infrastructure. (3): Destruction at Kiyomi in the Hikari no Shima military clique-controlled region. (4): Prestorean private contractors patrolling alongside Western Operations Council soldiers in Kaze no Sabana.