Novus 1, 1613 AR: Meeting of the 1st Revolutionary Congress of Kyldigard
82 representatives sat in the former republican seat of power, the old house of representatives, now transformed into the place where the revolution would take its next steps.
"Thank you all for being here", said Báder'ím Vijorǔsé, de-facto speaker for the Congress, "Now that the immediate concerns of the past days of the Congress is behind us, we must now decide how we will be structuring the government, as well as who will be taking on the mantle of our first Premier. But let us skip to the important part of this meeting, so as to not get caught up on minor details. I, speaker Vijorǔsé, nominate my protégé and friend Gutǒje Kùr'mév, to be the pr-"
"Excuse me, Mr. Vijorǔsé, but if I recall, this is meant to be a people's government", interrupted Dagnâm Kjêtsǐjǔ. Dagnâm had a displeased look on his face as he adjusted his red beret.
"I-I'm sorry?" sputtered Vijorǔsé, clearly visibly upset, "What are you insinuating good sir?"
"Well, it seems to me that your Nubásli have the numbers in this Congress", explained Dagnâm, "And all of the old guard is loyal to you, sir. Any choice you would make would certainly be accepted by an internal vote, regardless of what the people want."
Congress representatives murmured amongst themselves, realizing the truth in what is being said.
"I don't follow..." scowled Vijorǔsé.
"What I believe my comrade here is saying", said Gèr'ǔm Mjetsetsúk, coming to a stand and quieting the room with their intidimating physique, "is that the only fair way to form a people's government would be to ask the people themselves." Gèr'ǔm stared boldly into the eyes of the frail old man before him. "The Balor'a!ǎskì demand a referendum on general elections, or we will go on strike against whatever illegitimate government you set up without the consent of the workers of Kyldigard.
"I second this motion. The new guard will also strike if no referendum is made. This will leave your government without control of key areas and risk a civil war," said Kjêtsǐjǔ in agreeance.
It was very rare that the anarchist and vanguardist revolutionaries currently standing with one another would agree on much of anything, so it was no secret that the old guard leader found himself between a rock and a hard place. When applause rang out from the Congress, even from certain old guard members, the elderly man's frazzled brow furrowed as he sighed in defeat. "Fine. Referendum on popular elections for Premier of the Federated Cantons of Kyldigard, beginning now. All in favor, rise and raise your hands, all against, stay seated."
The votes were cast, and the referendum passed 63 For to 19 Against. Kùr'mév, the young protégé, winced, realizing his Nubásli comrades had made up the majority of the Against votes. This will not look good for my campaign... he thought, seeing his mentor and most of the faction leave the Congress and feeling the old guard's legitimacy already collapsing into thin air.
Tsàvyjû Der'êlebì, despite not being a fan of popular elections herself, led her clique to vote For, mostly to unseat the plurality Nubásli from their place of stability and maybe, just maybe, have a chance to snag her dream of victory.
Mjetsetsúk and Kjêtsǐjǔ just grinned at one another as the Revolutionary Congress clapped in celebration. "I hope you know this is likely the last time the two of us will ever vote on the same side, comrade," whispered Mjetsetsúk, sweeping a tuft of fur out of his face. "I wouldn't expect anything less, comrade," quietly laughed Kjêtsǐjǔ, as the two both went back to their seats.
"The general election campaigns will take place over the course of the next two months, and once the campaigns and debates have fully finished, the voting booths will be open to the public to vote for whichever faction the people choose", said Dagnâm Kjêtsǐjǔ aloud, "all in favor?" Unsurprisingly, the motion passed unanimously from those who had not stormed out of the room.
"Who does the old guard nominate?" asked Kjêtsǐjǔ. After brief discussion, the remaining old guard nominated Gutǒje Kùr'mév, unsurprisingly. The other three factions nominated their respective factional leaders, also unsurprisingly.
Kjêtsǐjǔ, now the de-facto speaker with Vijorǔsé absent, stood up for a cheer. "Great! May the best candidate win. Long Live the Revolution!"