नयाँ सूर्योदय | New Suryodaya
KSS: Suryodaya
|SNL Star Seeker|
The Dze
SNL Star Seeker was a totally different ship, designed more for the meet and greet situations. Though able to accommodate 4 people. It’s crew members consisted of:
Ruma Mitra [Captain | Age: 27 | Female | Jaanavarkaan]
Sangye Shakabpa [Guard | Age: 26 | Female | Paksheekaan]
Khaalid Lodhi [Engineer | Age: 34 | Male | Pashukaan]
Ranjit Kusari [Photographer/Scribe | Age: 28 | Male | Jaanavarkaan]
People cheered as they wave their goodbye’s, say their bye’s to their families, and set off out of the Gulf of Prema and into the Eastern Great Ocean.
Ṗelẋtṡaaqomcymyt, A fateful meeting and tea
Upon the shores of the Confederacy a Dze, tending to his livestock, would gaze upon the sea and spot a moving shape, grey in colour and seemingly clad in iron. The crew of the ship could then sense a vibration in the air, fast moving and of low frequency. The Dze had uttered what is known as Tł̣çŋuq or "Low speech", an infrasound language at 10-15 Hz. It would reach his tribe within a few minutes and the chief would assemble a guard of 2 riders to join him, curious on what the herder had announced. Cladded in iron scale armour, iron and leather helmets with masks and a plumed helmet of black hair they would arrive at the site and wait for the ship to arrive, weapons not drawn so as to not provoke a fight.
As noon passed and turned to evening, the herder would take a small pile of firewood from a bag upon his mount, the crew, should they have watched, could observe that the creature was alike a horse, but tall as a Dze, of stronger muscles and three powerful hoofs on the end of each leg. They would then begin to make a small camp and bring small bowls to cook what appeared to be leaves, a beverage it seemed, but they brought more than 4 cups from the looks of it.