As the day turned dark and arcane lights flickered to life inside the Analysis & Advancement Centre in Nov Askara, a question continued to be debated among the Heads of the AAC, "How to acquire Kaharan tech" or more specifically "How to acquire Kaharan technology without going through the hassle of persuading what ever Kaharan leadership has formed or remains to give up even a small part of their technology for research".
For about the past month now, the AAC had been debating on how and where they could acquire Kaharan tech without an absurd cost so that they could research it to see if they would have any use for the technology in either the military or civilian sector, this 3-week long debate finally ceased after some vigilant research on the topic of the Kaharan Reconstruction Project, a somehow overlooked piece of crucial information was brought to light, the large north westward islands in Kahara have been left behind in it's reconstruction of their country which is concluded to most likely be due to the glacial temperatures experienced there and absurd distance one would have to transport all the repair equipment, supplies and food for the workers to and from.
Now that they knew where and how they could acquire the tech all they needed to successfully get the military to agree to do this research mission was to select a fitting group of individuals in the country who could endure the cold and explore the ruins with ease and after some deliberation that took considerably less time than before, a research squadron from the Voidian Steel Guard is selected for the task on the basis that most of their members are inorganic metal golems that would most likely withstand the extreme cold.