The journey from the northern hills and forests to the east was a long one, as the winter gave rise to spring and the hills protected them somewhat from the rain, it was however more pleasant than the blizzard they avoided. The lands here were of a strange appearance, no lifeform appeared to be of known origins and even the plants looked otherworldy at times, some of it even being bioluminescent at night to some degree, thankfully in their eyes, as the land was filled with strange creatures and fast-moving shadows at night.
Nearing the third week, upon the vast steppes and grasslands, the Skimtari could then see a massive, blurry spot interrupting the mosaic; getting closer, they would then notice it was a massive camp, the tents covering an area larger than any Dze camp they had seen so far. They had arrived to the Tsot'aan's tribe, and soon they would be under his jurisdiction. Unbeknownst to them, the chieftain had already communicated to the Tsot'aan of his arrival and about the Skimtari, even sharing what little he knew of the skimtari and their secretive language; done through infratonic speech, whenever he used it the Skimtari would feel a slight rumble in their ears, however they would not know what produced such rumble.
Accompanied by 20 riders, the Tsot'aan rode out to meet them. If Dze were usually tall, above 190cm, the Tsot'aan was even mightier; old of age and still mantaining his strength and agility, before they met would the chieftain speak to the Skimtari.
Quṕyċe: "Bow and then introduce yourselves"
The chieftain then dismounted and was greeted by the Tsot'aan, also dismounted by then, who would afterwards look at the Skimtari, waiting for their answer.