Zÿlï ever so slightly wags her tail, and carefully nods her snow-white head.
That'd be much appreciated, thank you~! I think Ÿrÿn needs a while to wind down, if someone could take her back to her tent...?
Zÿlï helps her finish her new cup, and takes off her mantle, draping it over the ailing Admiral.
She's been through a lot, a-and she's doing great with her recovery, but there are still some things that linger... Or come back every now and then, y'know...? D-do you...?
She takes a moment to glance back at him, eyes curious of the primitive one's admission.
My kind doesn't age... At least not in any normal sense, no? I am almost three-hundred now, still young, but I'll look the same in a thousand years, and be the same... Were I normal, my skin would turn dark, reddish and dark, just like hers. But I'm an albino, mm-mn? That means my skin will always remain pale, and my eyes will remain bright red~! But, of course... With age, not just ones skin goes 'dark', our minds change... Become stronger, quicker... Yet, it all takes much energy. She gets exhausted and overwhelmed easily now, and not to forget, all those painful memories just become clearer and clearer...
Ÿrÿn does indeed look tired, and absent. Again lost in her own thoughts. Hopefully, she can be guided back to her tent, she seems to have had enough to eat and plenty to drink, so all should be okay.