The T'aan looked a bit perplexed at the request, trying to make sense of her words.
Quṕyċun: "Asides the blankets for your futon...I am sure we can find something"
Still mildly confused, he would ask a tribe member for something in his own tongue and a few minutes later the Dze came from his tent with two garments in their style, probably for children, which were in appearance to a folded tunic, and with two small hats. He would quickly switch Ÿrÿn's hat for this, it felt cozy and warm, covering most of her head and the back of the neck, and he gave her the garments and additional hat for Zÿlï.
Quṕyċun: "There's boots and gloves at the tent most likely as well if you may need them and the hearth at the centre of the tent can be lit for the entire night with the right materials...if you excuse me for a second I may have to get those"
Quickly arriving with a strange, black and coal-like material on a bag, he then signaled for her to enter her tent and, going inside as well, would quickly pour this coal-like material on the hearth, which was a metal stove-like container with bars to allow heat to escape and warm the area. He then pulled a flint and lit this material, dustless, odorless and of very slow burning, it quickly warmed the tent to a reasonably less freezing temperature.