The T'aan had grown a bit estranged from the Voiditen questions, highly specific and yet of things that would not harm to speak of...curious people both to him and in spirit they were indeed in his mind.
Quṕyċe: "Each tent is set upon where they deem it, of course spaces between tents is necessary but we do not own the land as individuals until we plant our tents, then the tent is the land of the individual."
As he spoke to the Voiditen, an older Dze, as tall as the T'aan and yet at least twice his age, would appear carrying several clay tablets and parchments in a woolen bag, silently bowing to the T'aan and his guests, gently handing the bag to Ÿrÿn and leaving calmly. The shaman of the tribe, though his clothing wouldn't have revealed such, for he wore garments just as those of the T'aan or any other person in the tribe.
Quṕyċe: "He and I will then teach you to read our scriptures, but there are at least ten texts of diverse contents for you, a personal gift from our tribe to your people"