Quṕyċe would face his four guests, both intending to answer Ÿrÿn and announce the law to all at the same time, speaking first in solaren and then skimtari.
Quṕyċe: "It is by mandate of Tsǫt'aan Xanaaq̇ut that all foreigners be sent to the T'aan who rules the territory in where they arrived, where they may stay or be sent to his presence. As customary by the laws of the Dze, I am giving you three days for an answer, time in where you may be with us or be granted my leave to make temporary camp elsewhere, if you have the means" -he would then turn to Ÿrÿn and say- "¿Could you relay this to your kin in the tent as well during the day?" -then turning to face all, speaking in both languages in the same order- "Now, please, follow me to my tent, where the newcomers may ask all questions they need"
At the same time, the captain of the 20 riders and the T'aan would bow as the soldiers left for their own near the coast, making sure to give to the Voiditen all possessions that they brought and may have carried for them.