Crown Conquests
At the end of the war, reeling from the end of the Otroheim-Estastan war, the Crown troops return home. Korolya has an additional 8 millions people from Otroheim and 21 million from Estastan waiting in processing tents. Refugees of a torn nation.
The Crown's registry system is working away, shipping thousands of newly registered citizens to far-off coastal cities. At the middle of Audax in 1613 AR, around a tenth of the 29 million total survivors had been processed and entered into the goverment. The population rises from 270 to 290 million in Q4.
Processing tents? That was back when the Crown only got a hundred a day. Now there's a temporary apartment complex near Korolya to house all the extra people. The living conditions aren't the best, but their final destination is a lot better than the temporary homes.
Outside the industrial city of Mozdok, Estastani and Otroheimer armoured vehicles sit wrecked. Most were already known, and thrown into the smelters and making new steel for the Crown's industries. Some tanks were dragged into the research labs and reverse engineered, leading to... not much. There was a Estastan tank with a slightly better autoloader but it's reliability is... none. A few remaining of those tanks were put in the Mozdok Tank Museum.
The aircraft... the Crown is still searching for the aircraft they shot down. The ones they captured in airfields they reverse engineered again and to find only slight upgrades. The airships were transferred to the Glowstone Quarrelforce's airwing for Fey refurbishments.
Back to the captured people. The Crown keeps them in order by force, as the Kroen-Speer units patrol the apartments. Anyone breaking curfew were let off by the soldiers however, rather than being gunned down, as the shorks see that most breaking curfew were civilians, and the Crown Armee says 'no shooting civilians'. In the 'processing' room, some people get their memories tweaked, some sign NDA's, and at the need of it all they receive their citizenship and get sent away on train or plane. Of course, some patriots from Estastan wanted to give revenge, but then, the mages from the Winter Palace managed to... scramble their memories. make it foggy, even. They send them off, with certain things they must abide to. They cannot join the Crown Army for the next 5 years is the biggest part, and the rest is fine details.
One of the shorks note, that the shorks they got from the conquered lands were eager to see the ocean, at last. the fabled Golden Sea. The humans, and other furred and scaled people before being shipped away to the costal cities, had a bit of beach fun in the beaches of Korolya. Smiles on the faces of people who have only known water scarcity for all their lives. It uplifts the shorks that participated in the Crown's liberation war that their work was for good.
War is over!, printed on all the newspapers. The shorks returning from war are welcomed by open arms by the locals, along with the prisoners of war.
One of the war prisoners, General of the Estastan Army, says that the locals welcomed him warmly. he says that, he was surprised he was not paraded around in shame, but a welcome surprise at least. However, the corrupt Otroheim head of goverments were... not really hit with a firing squad so to say. Rather than that, Kohl went up and watched them burn in the bowels of her castle. Not something a truly kind ruler would do, watching her enemies burn to death, but then again, they inconvenienced her for decades. She says, "What goes around, comes around." Scary shork.
Word has it, that Kohl's grand army has run out of fuel allocated for the war, and ate away at the reserve storage. There is a lot of fuel in the reserves. But it's dangerous in Kohl's eyes, so she sent her generals to go fetch more oil from their new ally, Japulie! Other than that, the manufactory complex in the Crown's southern region is put into full swing to restock all the ammunition.