Sealed Construction of the Underwater Station
The Forge's Son "Ocean Wave" decided to satisfy his colleagues' curiosity during a break. He warmed up his minigun for a few seconds before pulling the trigger. The bullets struck a large rock with immense speed and kinetic force. Initially, the impacts caused minimal damage, but within seconds, the rock's interior was exposed, scattering fragments across the area. After this demonstration, everyone seemed more dedicated to their work, even though he didn't mention that his magazine was empty and he was awaiting a replacement.
With additional and occasional assistance from the Forge's Son, they managed to seal the second floor, allowing the full station crew, mainly scientists, to move in. Communication is handled by a professional linguist from the Red Rose Society, which specializes in the study and research of languages across Sparkalia. As a result, communication between CaIBs was enabled, allowing messages to be relayed from one CaIB to another through the main computer. The upcoming CaIB 2.0 will feature direct messaging between booths. Currently, the third and final floor is nearing completion.
Delicious and On-Site
Japuilean Fried Parrot was thrilled about expanding its fast-food restaurant reach. They introduced the "Moonpool Restaurant" on social media. The post featured an image showcasing a sealed metal-glass structure with an open water area in the middle where diners can view marine life or watch boats docking. The Moonpool prototype aims to provide accessibility even underwater for marine vessels, although submarines must park at a safe distance. The service will ensure that everyone can order and enjoy their meals.

Regarding ingredient transportation, some will be imported, while others will be grown on-site, either on land or on "floating farms" – another innovative idea by JFP. All ideas, plans, and concepts are constructively discussed with TEW. They will also explore the possibility of growing spices, potentially unique ones, to add original flavors.