Through the entrance, steps a fellow dressed in a simple dark grey inverness coat with a suit beneath. He looks around and nods to those there before speaking.
Äķķeţ: "Greetings to those of the Pythian Union currently present, I am Äķķeţẋhinó Ag-Ṡṡķițäk Țënvin, the designated delegate of both the Magna Economic Union and it's member state Voidkree. It is a pleasure to be here and open a line of communication between the Magna Economic Union and the Pythian Union... And as a side note you may all call me Äķķeţ or Äķķeţ Țënvin, as I wish not to invoke an seizure upon anyone attempting to remember my name in full."
He then stands there for a moment, looking at the seats before adding.
Äķķeţ: "Ah, also if you do not mind. Could you mayhaps assign me a seat? I do not wish to be so rude as to take someone else's seat."